Wednesday, March 3, 2010


I am in a Bed, Bath, and Beyond-like store.  I need some kind of face wash or lotion. I am watching a commercial for this product on my iPod, which now looks like a digital picture frame.  I can't find what I want in the sea of face products.  This store is narrow with high ceilings, so the shelves are really high and I can't reach or see.  I give up.
As I walk out towards the front of the store, Hanson is here shooting a video.  The front of the store has transformed from a fluorescent-lit warehouse checkout area to a warm, mahogany-rich, bay-windowed, sunny bookstore.  Much better.  I'm excited to run into Hanson, but I'm not acting like a tool, so this is definitely a dream.  Taylor Hanson asks me to dance.  He's good at leading and I am having fun.  The other two Hansons are playing their instruments.  We dance for a bit, and he dips me.  Then we hug it out.  He is wearing a Hanes v-neck undershirt and I'm thinking about how soft it feels.  It was a good, long, comforting, back rubbing hug, much needed.  Thanks, Taylor.

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